Bottle Feed a Lamb!
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Bottle feeding the lambs is a springtime seasonal activity and does not run all year round. It costs £3 per bottle which helps cover the cost of their milk formula. 1. On arrival please check in at the shop where you can pay your normal entry fee along with any animal feed you may want for the other animals. 2. It is essential to arrive at least 10 minutes before your booking, it is not possible to wait even one minute past your booking time if you are late, the milk is prepared for the correct time, at the right temperature for the lambs and needs to be fed to them straight away. 3. Please wait outside the lamb pen and i will bring the bottles out and take you into the pen. 4. The lambs drink their bottles very quickly and have a strong suck on the bottles. Children under 5 will need help to hold onto the bottles. Under the age of 10 only one bottle per child. Over the age of 10 you can book a max of two bottles if you like - you would feed two lambs at the same time.
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John O'Groats, Caithness, 11a KW1 4YS, GBR